
Expert Management for Your Most Critical Time of Year

Harvest season is the culmination of a year’s hard work, a time when precise timing and skilled labor are paramount. Bravante Farm Management offers expertise and resourceful industry connections to take the guesswork out of this crucial phase. Our extensive network and strong relationships ensure that your crops are harvested efficiently and effectively.

Timely and Efficient Harvesting Operations

With our substantial labor capabilities and strategic industry ties, we guarantee that your crop is harvested at the peak of ripeness and market readiness. Our proactive planning and coordination mean that when the time comes, every fruit nut or vegetable is picked with care and precision. Throughout the harvest and processing period, we take food safety seriously. We are Global GAP certified and only work with other Global GAP certified entities.

Packaging and Labeling Excellence

As a recognized leader in table grapes and citrus, Bravante has the in-house capacity to pack into our esteemed labels, ensuring your produce is market-ready quickly and efficiently. Our packaging processes are streamlined and quality-controlled to meet the highest industry standards.

Contract Management for a Diverse Array of Crops

Whether it’s managing contracts for wine grapes, ensuring tomatoes reach the canneries at the perfect time, or delivering almonds and pistachios to processors, our team is adept at navigating the complexities of various harvest contracts. Our extensive experience across a spectrum of crops means that we can handle the unique demands of each, matching the right buyer with your high quality produce.

A Partner in Harvest Success

Choosing Bravante Farm Management for your harvest management means partnering with a team that understands the stakes of harvest season. We commit to delivering services that maximize both yield and profitability, providing peace of mind that your harvest is in expert hands. Trust us to bring your labor of love to fruition with the care, professionalism, and excellence it deserves.